All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 43 of 43 in total

Do Whatever It Takes

At work, in school, in our daily life, we are expected to do whatever it takes. To be counted on as reliable. How about your faith? Are you doing whatever it takes.

I Love You Because

To the world you may be just one person. But to that person you are the world. Sometimes we meet a few wrong people before we meet the right one. So, how is your jo...

Mother Teresa - Give The World Your Best

Give the world your best, even when it may not be enough. But give the world your best anyway. Take notes on this one. These are important lessons for a meaningful ...

The Brick

Sometimes we need to dial up the volume of the conversation to get someone's attention. Has it ever been tough for you to let others hear what you have to say?

Day Off

Sure, we all want a day off. But have you ever thought of what your "days on" contribute to life.

The Box of Candy

What's inside of a gift is more important than the fancy wrapping paper surrounding it. What kinds of gifts do you give to those you love?

I Am Still a Nurse - Part-2

You most likely know someone in the medical field. A doctor, or maybe a nurse. Listen to WHY they pursue our good health.

I Am Still a Nurse - Part-1

A Pandemic has been a speed bump for everyone. Listen to the story of a nurse, and how they pursue their passion of healing people.

Heaven's Grocery Store

This is NOT your ordinary grocery store. But what you will find here, will change your life. It's time to go shopping.

The Window

We can choose to use our imagination to bring hope to someone who can't see the beauty of life. So, do you have a window? Take a look outside.

Paradox of Our Times - Part-2

Life is complicated and sometimes we have a tough time discovering how to balance what surrounds us. Have you ever been confused by that?

Paradox of Our Times - Part-1

We live our lives on both sides of our capabilities and emotions. Taller buildings, but shorter tempers, wider freeways but narrow viewpoints. So, why do we do that?

How Love Raises Children

Little things are special things. Sometimes we don't realize that the things we believe go unseen, are the things that make the biggest impact on our children.

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